Childrens Liturgy

Our Children’s Liturgy is held during Sunday morning Mass every Sunday. It is open to to all children (and babies with their mums) who wish to join us.

picture of Childrens Liturgy Group

Childrens Liturgy Group

The aim of the group is to promote a Christian upbringing. We do not stand and preach to the children but through discussion, we cover all aspects of life, anything from Baptism to bullying to the death of a relative. Our sessions usually start with a prayer followed by our “Peace Circle” where the children take it in turns to offer each other a sign of peace which is passed around in a circle to show that we are as one. We go on to say special prayers, particularly for the sick and those who might have difficulties; anyone in the family going away to start University or work etc.

The atmosphere of the group is kept very light and caring. The older children are encouraged to help the youngsters so that all the members of the group are actively involved in making a contribution. We do not have a strict regime and our activities can range from a simple group discussion to creating worksheets or acting out a Bible story.

You can see more pictures by following the LINK.

For more information contact Lisa Radford Tel. (01332) 601961