Faith and Service

Church Cleaners

Contrary to popular perception churches do get dirty. If you can imagine the mess that the relatively few people that pass through your house can make; then picture the mess that two hundred or more parishioners unintentionally make whilst visiting St. Hugh’s each week. Yet each Sunday the carpet appears pristine and the furniture dusted and shiny. This is due to the efforts of Ruth Grace,  Mrs McGuinn, Mary Hughes, Mary Dennis, Teresa Woodall and others who take turns to do the cleaning every six weeks or so. Show them your appreciation from time to time, or better still, offer to help. Men, please note that this includes you as there are often things heavier than a duster that need shifting.

Contact Bonnie Cheetham Tel. (01332) 230889

Flower Arrangers

We are a dedicated pair of flower arrangers who create the floral tributes that decorate St. Hugh’s altar each week. At present our team consists of Marie McDermott, Lisa Radford and Mary Chater. There is a very small budget allotted for the purchase of flowers so that whenever possible we use blooms and foliage from our own and other’s gardens. We like to be innovative whilst striving to have our arrangements include the traditional and familiar symbols that compliment each liturgical season.

If you have a fondness for flower arranging and would like to join us, or even just have some flowers and foliage to spare, your offer would be made most welcome.

Contact Marie McDermott Tel. (01332) 679437

Piety Stall

In the porch, close to where you pick up your newsletter is our Piety Stall. We offer the small and ‘difficult to find in the shops’ items. You may have noticed how difficult it is to find Christmas and Easter cards depicting a truly Christian scene or a Birthday card with a sincere good wish; well they can be found here.

There is also a selection of Rosary beads and small Crucifixes and simple religious artefacts. It is stocked and run by Teresa Birkin who donates all its proceeds to CAFOD and the Liz Nightingale Fund.

Contact Teresa Birkin Tel. (01332) 670159

Reading Group

Mary Somers, who oversees the Reading group, describes it as a Ministry of the Word. She feels that readers should have knowledge of the Old Testament narratives, the Epistles and their messages, so that they are able to apply emphasis to the relevant words in a particular passage.

From time to time Mary holds training sessions in the church and is always available for advice and tuition. Presently the group consists of around twenty participants including, Peter Rochford, Domini Gregory, Geoff Dennis, Margaret Burns, Margot Madin, Eamon Hughes, Steve Hempsall, Terry McMenamin, Joy and John Heaps.

Contact Mary Somers Tel. 01332 662092

Ring Rosary

In 1973, Mary Novak, the church organist formed a group of parishioners and others devoted to the Holy Rosary, to each recite every day a decade for a particular issue of Peace and Justice. Every month they would advance the Mystery so that everyone was praying for that cause in unison. Mary Somers took over its organisation and at one stage it had expanded to the extent that around two hundred decades were being said every day.

Presently, the group of around thirty and growing, participants is being organised by Mrs. Mary Somers. It includes, amongst others, members of our neighbouring church, English Martyrs.

The cycle starts each year on the 1st March with the Annunciation and on the 1st April progresses to the Visitation – and so on. If you would like to be a part of Ring Rosary, (and new members are most welcome,) you can learn the current Peace Issue for which the group is asking intercedence.

Contact Paddy Hayden Tel. (01332) 672094

Special Ministers of Holy Communion

Eucharistic ministers are appointed to help the clergy wherever there is a need. Their main role is to help distribute holy communion, both in the church and in parishioner’s own homes when they are unable to attend Mass. Should the need arise, as in the absence of a priest, they can also obtain authority to conduct certain church services.

St. Hugh’s has eight Eucharistic Ministers: – Anne Rochford, Ann Marshall, Tom Kelly, Peter Rochford, Len Carpenter, Marie McDermott, Joy Heaps and Margot Madin.

Contact Anne Rochford Tel. (01332) 674234

The Music Group

Our music group presently consists of Mike Gregory, Caroline, Tony Heron, John Burns and Peter Indyk. We were formed in 2009. The transition from organ to guitar accompaniment at the 9.30 am. Mass seems to have been popular, though the option provided by the digital organ is always used for the older and for solemn hymns.

We would like to stress that we do not intend to be an exclusive group and welcome additional voices, as well as other instrumentalists to join us. We would also welcome your comments and encouragement and any suggestions you might have for us.

Contact Mike Gregory Tel. (01332) 870221